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所有帖子: Cathy Proctor.
Cathy Proctor.

Cathy是丹佛水龙头上的作家和管理编辑器。在加入团队之前,她在丹佛和科罗拉多历史上覆盖了丹佛水及其在丹佛商务期刊的屡获殊荣的记者。She enjoys telling stories about the people and issues that make up Colorado’s most complex industries, whether it’s supplying water to the millions of people who live and work in Colorado, what’s involved in keeping the lights and heat on in our homes and businesses, and how people and the things we use are transported to and throughout the state. She can chatter for hours about megawatts of electricity, barrels of oil, cubic feet of natural gas, acre-feet of water, miles of highway and the environmental, financial, social and political aspects of each. You’ve been warned.